Saturday, May 28, 2011

Don't lose yourself and regret,just love yourself and you're set

I Just Want To Be Beautiful.

Is it fucking hard? Come on,is it? No,it should not be. But why is it?

I dont know,if you know,please tell me.

Today,i felt so different. I felt that im beautiful??  Yes,imagine,first time of my life,i saw something beautiful on my body and face.First time i was proud to be myself. So many years passed by when i  tired to me someone or something. Many years ,actually my whle life till now,i tried to satisfy the peoples around me. Many times I hated my hair,because others disliked it.I hated my big eyes,cause others said they are weird. Now,i love my eyes,I love being different than others,although it hurts,that im not same.But being same with such stuipididiotbitch-girls. I love that the old women and men smiles to me,because im different,or that the childrens feel comfortable with me cause im still childish.I have many good points,that others may not have,just beacuse im proudly different.

You!! Be proud that your unique.

1 comment:

Hope said...

Totta kai tulen :)